Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mini/Micro Twists

I am on spring break this week so I had a chance to have Ray over to do hair.  We were looking through some pictures and she got really excited when she saw the Mini twists on Beads, Braids, and Beyond blog so we decided to imitate her little girls hair and give her a whole head of mini twists.  We washed her hair with Just For Me shampoo and deep conditioned it.  Usually when I deep condition her hair I use a heat cap but since she was in the tub we opted for no heat and just put it into twists and let the conditioner soak in.

(Picture was taken right after I twisted her hair so parts are more visible than other pictures)

Once I had her hair washed, deep conditioned, and detangled, I parted her hair into 4 sections.  These sections allowed me to put it into 2 ponytails, or a half up half down style with clean, straight parts.  Unfortunately the direction in which I twisted her hair pulled it so the back part was peaking through her hair.

After having the 4 sections twisted up,  I took down one section at a time and starting at the bottom I sectioned off a small row I gathered just enough hair to make a small box or rectangle.  I did not part off each rectangle to be perfectly uniform.  The boxes along her hairline are larger than other boxes because there is less hair.

I twisted each hair but left it a bit loose at the roots.  When I got to the end of the twists I rubbed some creme wax into the end and twirled and twisted it around my finger.  I had a hard time forming coils.  Her hair for some reason wanted to stay straight.  I figured maybe it was because I was using a creme wax instead of a gel so I used a gel and got the same result except not as strong of a hold so I kept on using the creme wax.  Once the ends dried I saw more curls, but definitely not small tight coils as I was hoping for.

The because of the lack of coils I'm afraid this style won't last as long as it should in her hair.  I think it will probably start to unravel, especially because she loves running her fingers through it.

After all the twists were put in I sprayed Talih Waajid mist bodifier to moisturize.  I tried adding extra virgin coconut oil in her hair before twisting, but found the twists were unraveling so the only moisture her hair got before her twists was from the deep conditioner which was ok with me.  Her hair felt extra healthy this week.

This was her first time having her hair down.  She was so excited to have this style she gave me a big hug and couldn't stop shaking her head and singing "I whip my hair back and forth" all day.  It was so cute!  I have to say it looks nice, but I'm still disappointed her hair did not want to coil for me.  It took me about 6 hours including washing her hair and playing in the tub.

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