Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cornrowed Crown with Ribbons

Keep Me Curly had this beautiful style done on one of their daughters that I absolutely adored so I decided to try it out on Miss Bre.  Of course we did have to adapt to the fact that Bre does not have long natural hair.  Her hair is short, and relaxed.  We are about 2 months in to transitioning to natural but we decided to attempt the crown look.  Here was the result:

Instead of doing a puff, we did a ponytail.  She had a kiddie relaxer 2 months ago and it gave her a little bit of wave left so I wanted to use that and puff it out but Bre wanted it straightened so I put some heat protectant in and straightened it.

Like I thought, her hair was a little too short for this style.  On Keep Me Curly the "crown" was the ends of the cornrows braided together around her head.  Braiding did not work so I decided to do a 2 strand twist which gave me a little more length to work with.  I attempted to tuck the ends into the beginning of the braid.  I also added about a dozen bobby pins to secure the ends of the braids so they don't come out of the twist.

Next I threaded some ribbon in the twists on the crown.  To do this I used a yarn needle I got at Walmart (basically a big plastic needle) and some skinny ribbon (also a 47 cent Walmart purchase!)  I let Bre choose the colors.  First she picked out red and white.  I said that's a little Christmas-y are you sure you want that?  She said no and picked out red and green. hahahaha.  So red and green it was!

All in all she really liked the style.  She is wanting to wear her hair down so I don't think she was too jazzed to have to wear most of it in cornrows again.  I have to say as much as I loved this style on Keep Me Curly, it really wasn't right for us.  Give this style 2 or 3 days most of the twisted crown will come undone, bobby pins will be out and the ponytail will be saggin.  I don't think I will be taking the whole style out of her hair next week but it will have to be altered so she can wear it for another 2 weeks without it looking a hot mess.

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